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QR Code Print/Display Options

The easiest way for your customers to sign up for the draws or to create additional visit tags whenever they visit your facility is to scan a QR code with their own cell phone. A suitable QR code can be printed on two different forms that You're a Winner! supports.

Also, a .png image can be created and sent via email to the management contact in the client profile. This .png image can be incorporated in the design of any document your marketing staff can create to promote the business.

These three options are available from the client configuration management window.

First, the client profile management menu has an item labeled Generate a customer tent card as a .pdf document that allows you to print table tent cards with the QR code included in the layout. The layout itself is user-definable so you can include your own logos and messaging on the card. A sample of a tent card appears below.

Sample tent card

Second, the client profile management menu has an item labeled Generate a customer invitation receipt supplement as a .pdf document that allows you to print receipt supplements. This layout is also user-definable but the sample layout is more compatible with a thermal receipt printer that uses the 3.125" receipt style paper - i.e. it is somewhat longer and narrower than the tent card layout above.

Sample receipt extension

Finally, the client management profile menu has an item labeled Generate QR customer scan code that will generate a QR code as a .png image and email the .png image file to the management contact email address. This image can then be placed into an externally generated form (i.e. an advertising message, poster, etc.)